When Kobo first announced its 7-inch Kobo Arc tablet earlier this month, it said that it would come with either 8 or 16GB of internal memory. Kobo today announced will instead come with 16GB, 32GB and 64GB options. “We designed the Kobo Arc to let people focus on the music, eBooks, movies, website and applications they love rather than on […]
Microsoft to hold Windows 8 launch event on October 25th
Microsoft has already confirmed that Windows 8 will launch on October 26th. It has now sent out press invitations for a press event to take place the day before. It will take place in New York City. No additional details are provided. The next day, Windows 8 will be available on both new computers as well as an upgrade. Among […]
Microsoft CEO hints at upcoming Windows Surface pricing
Microsoft will launch its Surface tablet along with Windows 8 on October 26th. Rumours that it could sell for as low as US$199 have been dashed by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Without providing specific pricing details, he told The Seattle Times: “If you look at the bulk of the PC market, it would run between, say, probably $300 to about […]
Toys’R’Us unveil tabeo kid-friendly Android tablet
Both Gadgetorama headquarter Editors-in-Training are big fans of tablets and I suspect that they are not the only kids to have asked for their own tablets. Toys’R’Us today announced the tabeo, a tablet designed with children in mind. It will come with 50 free, preinstalled apps “that were carefully selected to entertain and educate children, while helping them explore the […]
Is this the back of the Apple iPad mini?
New pictures obtained by Chinese site NetEase purport to be of the rumoured Apple iPad mini. The images show what appears to be the back casing and show dual grills framing a smaller dock connector on the bottom of the device. One picture seems to compare it to the larger 9.7-inch iPad. The part sports the iPad branding and appears […]
Motorola to offer US$100 credit for 2011 devices not to be upgraded to Jelly Bean
As first announced yesterday during its event with Verizon, most Motorola Android devices released from 2011 onwards will be upgraded to Jelly Bean. It also promised a US$100 credit for those devices that would not be upgraded due to hardware limitations. If we don’t upgrade your phone to Jelly Bean, we don’t want you to miss out. Buy a select […]
Kobo refreshes eReader device lineup
Just hours ahead of Amazon’s expected new Kindle announcement, Kobo announced that it has refreshed its Kobo family of devices with the new Kobo Glo, Kobo Mini, and the Kobo Arc, a 7-inch Android tablet. “Our focus has remained firmly on delivering a superior experience for booklovers around the world. With 11,000 booksellers and leading retail partners across five continents, […]
Google now seeing 1.3 million Android activations every day
Google CEO Eric Schmidt kicked off today’s Motorola-Verizon event to give a brief overview of where Android stood. According to his latest figures, 1.3 million Android devices are now activated every day. Some 480 million Android devices are currently active across the globe. The news was not all good though. Schmidt revealed that Android tablets only account for about 70,000 […]