A countdown on Pebble’s website is quietly counting down to September 23rd. We surmised that Pebble might be getting ready to announce the release of the Timeline UI upgrade (Pebble OS 3.0?) for the original Pebble and Pebble Time smartwatches but it turns out that Pebble could make a hardware announcement after all. According to Ubergizmo, Pebble will announce a new smartwatch. Unlike […]
What is Pebble counting down to?
Pebble has just finished shipping all of its Pebble Time Steel smartwatches to Kickstarter backers. You’d think it would slow down for just a moment and catch its breath after closing out the most successful Kickstarter campaign over but, instead, it’s already teasing something new. A small countdown appeared at the top of its website last week. A quick bit […]
Pebble Time firmware 3.4 adds new features
Following the update of the Pebble Time Android and iOS apps last week, Pebble today announced the release of a new firmware for its Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel smartwatches. Firmware 3.4 comes with two key new features. Quiet time allows you to silence notifications and vibrations when you don’t want to be disturbed. A number of settings allow you to […]
Pebble Time firmware 3.3 now available
Pebble this week released a firmware update for the Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel. Pebble Time Firmware 3.3 is not as big an update as firmware 3.2 was but it does bring a feature that could prove quite useful. As you can see above, Pebble has enhanced the timeline layout with new relationship bars that show how events relate to each […]
Pebble Time Steel now shipping to Kickstarter backers
Pebble announced today that it has begun to ship the Pebble Time Steel to Kickstarter backers. It had originally hoped to begin shipments in the last week of July but it appears that a few last minute gremlins delayed that plan by about a week. Based on the company’s latest estimates, it expects that it could take until the end of […]
Pebble Time now available at Best Buy
Having fulfilled most if not all of its backer Pebble Time orders after the most successful Kickstarter campaign ever, Pebble is now busy expanding availability of the Pebble Time (as well as getting ready to ship the Pebble Time Steel). As part of that effort, the Pebble Time landed at Best Buy both in the U.S. and here in Canada. Never miss […]
Pebble Time firmware 3.2 now available for Pebble Time smartwatch
Pebble is not losing any time in making improvements to its new Pebble Time smartwatch. The company released firmware 3.1 only twenty days ago but today announced Pebble Time firmware 3.2. Whereas the last firmware focused on bug fixes, the new 3.2 version adds a number of new features, many of which were requested by Pebblers. Among the improvements are […]
Pebble Time Steel shipments to start last week of July
Pebble yesterday announced to Kickstarter backers that it will begin to ship the Pebble Time Steel, essentially a metal version of the Pebble Time, the last week of July. Production began yesterday and the company expects that all reward watches will be produced this month. While production will be completed this month, Pebble also expects that the last of the […]