Pebble did not offer any Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals on its new Pebble Time Round smartwatch. With the holidays in full swing, Pebble has now given its first round smartwatch a bit of the promotional spotlight. It can now be yours for US$199 (about CA$275), down US$50 from its regular US$249 price. The new discount is good news for Canadians as it makes […]
Decking out your Pebble Time for the Christmas holidays
A quick look at the calendar today reveals that Christmas is now only 10 days away. The holiday season is well and truly underway. By now, you have hopefully strung up your Christmas lights, the tree is brightly decorated and the Christmas music is on heavy rotation. Is there anything that has yet to catch the holiday season bug? Have a […]
Pebble opens beta for Timeline UI for Classic Pebble
Pebble first announced that it would bring its new Timeline UI to the classic Pebble the same day that it announced the Pebble Time. Since then, the Pebble line of smartwatches has grown to include the Pebble Time Steel and the Pebble Time Round. Progress on getting the original Pebble updated has been slower but is finally upon us. We […]
Pebble Time Round lands in Canada on December 4th
The Pebble Time Round will arrive in Canada on December 4th courtesy of Best Buy Canada. The electronics chain will be its exclusive Canadian retailer. Is it a regular watch or a smartwatch? The Pebble Time Round is so thin, light, and stylish you’ll be able to wear it all day and no one will know it’s actually a smartwatch. It […]
Pebble Time Round to go on sale November 8th
Pebble first announced its round-faced Pebble Time Round smartwatch in late September. It announced at the time that it would go on sale in the U.S. in early November. Right on schedule, the company has announced that its new Pebble Time Round smartwatch will go on sale in the U.S. on November 8th. Pre-order shipments to both Canada and the U.S. […]
Pebble Timeline UI rolling out to original Pebble smartwatches in December
When Pebble unveiled the Pebble Time back in February, it announced plans to bring its new Pebble Timeline UI to the older Pebble and Pebble Steel smartwatches. Details as to when this would happen have been slim since then, leaving many wondering if Pebble was still planning to do this. Speaking to Wareable, Pebble CEO Eric Migicovsky has confirmed that the […]
Pebble Time firmware 3.6 adds voice dictation developer support
Pebble has released a new firmware update for its Pebble Time smartwatches. While most users may be disappointed to find no major new features, the new voice dictation API will allow developers to add new voice-powered capabilities to their apps. This will in turn allow users to take advantage of their Pebble Time smartwatch in new ways. From keeping in touch hands-free to […]
Pebble unveils round-faced Pebble Time Round
Pebble today became the latest smartwatch manufacturer to offer a round-faced smartwatch. Following the launch of the Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel, the company today unveiled the Pebble Time Round. Pebble Time Round is faithful to timeless watch design while being a true Pebble at heart. The beautiful, always-on, e-paper display discreetly camouflages the smarts within. Summon timeline to keep tabs […]