
Google Play Edition Moto X coming

Motorola Moto X

Google kicked off its new Google Play Edition program earlier this year by announcing a stock Android version of the Samsung Galaxy S4. It was quickly followed up by a Google Play Edition HTC One. Other manufacturers are also rumoured to be considering such variants of their flagship smartphones. Among them are Huawei with its Ascend P6 and Sony with their […]

Best Buy now taking Moto X pre-orders (Update: Future Shop too)

Best Buy Moto X pre-orders

Motorola yesterday unveiled its latest smartphone, the much anticipated Moto X. Rogers Wireless quickly followed up to say that it would be the exclusive Canadian carrier and that existing customers could pre-order through the Rogers Reservation System. Starting today, there is an alternative way to pre-order if you’re not a Rogers customers yet: Through Best Buy. Much as it has […]

A look at the Moto X Motomaker

Motorola motomaker

One of the most interesting features about the Moto X is that it comes with a number of customization options. The only internal specification you can choose is the amount of internal storage you want (either 16GB or 32GB), there are a number of external options that you can choose from. Motorola’s latest video walks you through Motomaker, the online […]

Moto X stars in first ads

Motorola Moto X

With rumours that Motorola could spend up to US$500 million to market the Moto X, you can expect to see a profusion of ads everywhere. The first such ads are already out and focus on two new features that Motorola unveiled on its latest smartphone (and the new Verizon DROID ones as well). The first ad, called “Quick Draw,” showcases […]

Poll: Is a Motorola smartphone in your future?

Motorola Moto X in black

After being quiet for months, Motorola this month unveiled four new smartphones. Three are headed to Verizon as the latest DROIDs (the DROID Ultra, DROID Maxx and DROID Mini) and the fourth is the much anticipated Moto X that it just unveiled. All four come with a number of new features like Touchless Control by which they respond to voice-activated commands […]