As expected, Apple today unveiled the iPad mini, the smaller sibling to the iPad. Featuring a 7.9-inch display, it is 23 percent thinner and 53 percent lighter than the third generation iPad. “iPad mini is every inch an iPad. With its gorgeous 7.9-inch display, iPad mini features the same number of pixels as the original iPad and iPad 2, so […]
Apple to stream today’s event via Apple TV (Updated)
If you own an Apple TV, you will be able to watch a live stream of the event the company is holding today. A new application called “Apple Events” has been added. Clicking on it gives users a message asking them “tune in at 10 a.m. PT on October 23 to watch this event live.” Apple is widely expected to […]
Apple sends out October 23rd event invitations
Apple has begun to send out invitations to its next event. As usual, the invitation reveals little but is widely expected to be the event at which Apple will unveil its iPad mini. With the tagline “We’ve got a little more to show you,” it seems like a good bet. The Apple iPad mini has been the topic of rumours […]
Apple to unveil iPad mini at October 23 event?
October 10th came and went without the expected Apple invitations, putting into question an October 17th event. Speculation suggests that production issues may have caused Apple to push the launch back. It now appears that if the event was in fact delayed, it will not be for long. Citing “people familiar with Apple’s plans,” AllThingsD reports that the event will […]
Angry Birds Star Wars coming to Android and iOS on November 8th
Angry Birds and Star Wars are joining forces! Rovio today announced a new partnership with Lucasfilm that will see them “combine all the fun of the classic Angry Birds and Angry Birds Space with the characters, stories and settings of the epic space fantasy, Star Wars.” Get ready for Angry Birds Star Wars! Red Bird Luke Skywalker, Han Solo Yellow […]
Apple to announce iPad mini on October 17th?
Even before Apple failed to announce the iPad mini at its September 12th event, rumours had suggested that the smaller iPad sibling would get its own event in October. We may now have some dates for that event. According to a major Apple investor who says he’s heard it from “multiple sources,” Apple will begin to send out invitations on […]
MTS, NorthernTel and SaskTel launch Apple iPhone 5 today
The Apple iPhone 5 launched last week in Canada with the Big Three national carriers and their flanker brands. Today, it’s the turn of three regional carriers to launch it. Apple’s latest smartphone is now also available from NorthernTel, MTS and SaskTel. As expected, prices are in line with those of other carriers: The 16GB model starts at CA$179, the […]
Apple CEO apologizes for Maps app issues and suggests alternatives
Apple’s new Maps app has been widely criticized since its launch in iOS 6 due to inaccuracies and bugs. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has now published an open letter in which he recognizes that its new mapping application does not live up to the usual standards associated with Apple: At Apple, we strive to make world-class products that deliver the […]