A day ahead of Apple’s iPhone event, Vodafone Germany has listed both the iPhone 4S and a new 8GB iPhone 4 on its website. The actual devices are not listed but both show up as compatible devices on some accessory pages. There are no mentions of the iPhone 5 on any of the pages. Assuming that these are not just […]
Cheaper Apple iPhone 4 spotted at Foxconn Brazil factory?
Photos obtained by Gizmodo Brazil have revealed what looks to be a new yet very familiar iPhone model. Most of the pictures obtained reveal only that the device do not appear to show any external differences to current iPhone 4. But, one more interesting one shows a Foxconn Brazil quality control form that mentions a new iPhone model, the N90A. […]
Apple accidentally confirms iPhone 4S via iTunes
We are only days away from Apple’s iPhone press event but it appears that the latest iTunes beta has confirmed at least one new upcoming iPhone and topic of ongoing rumours. Buried in the code of iTunes 10.5 beta 9’s .plist files are two mentions and embedded images of an “iPhone 4S.” The attached image looks to be that of […]
Canada not among first round of countries to get the iPhone 5?
We now likely know when (October 4th) Apple will unveil its latest iPhone. What remains a bit of a mystery is when the new iPhone(s) will hit the street. A report from Japanese website Macotakara.jp suggests that Apple will first launch it in five countries on October 14th. The countries in the running are the US, UK, France, Germany and […]
Apple announces October 4th iPhone press event
It’s official: Apple will hold a press event on October 4th and if the tagline (Let’s talk iPhone) is any indication, it will be mostly about the iPhone As rumoured, the event will take place on Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California and will start at 10:00 Pacific Time (13:00 Eastern Time). All the rumours should be put to rest as […]
October iPhone event to take place on Apple campus?
All iPhones and both iPads have been unveiled in San Fransisco. But the next iPhone may buck that trend. AllThingsD.com has learned that the upcoming October iPhone event (on October 4th?) will instead take place at Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California. The reason for the switch in venue locations is not clear. It could be that the release date could […]
Apple has highest loyalty rate among smartphone manufacturers
A new survey conducted by UBS Research shows that Apple has the highest retention rate among smartphone manufacturers. While this may not be much of a surprise, the lead it holds over others might be. 89% of current iPhone owners plan to stick with Apple for their next smartphone purchase, a slight drop from 95% in the March 2010 survey. […]
iPhone 5 production delays due to Wintek touchscreen?
Remember those rumours that the Apple iPhone 5 was facing production delays? A new Digitimes report sheds some light on the story. Citing “iPhone supply chain makers,” it indicates that a defect is showing up in some touchscreens produced by Wintek. Called a “delayed bubble,” it can apparently be difficult to avoid during production and is only found during assembly. […]