Huawei unveiled its 6.1-inch Ascend Mate phablet at last year’s CES event. It’s back this year with its successor, the aptly named Huawei Ascend Mate2 4G. Billed as “Huawei’s new super performer that gives people around the world more power and a bigger screen to seize opportunities at every moment,” it brings a number of improvements over its predecessor while […]
Huawei readying new MediaPad 10 (S10-232ua) for 2014
Huawei looks to be readying a new MediaPad 10 tablet for 2014. A new 10.1-inch tablet sporting model number S10-232ua as the only identifier has surfaced on the Bluetooth SIG’s website. Based on the description, it looks like it will once again use a Huawei processor and sport the usual connectivity options such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as well as […]
Huawei to exit U.S. market over spying allegations?
Huawei’s 69-year-old CEO, Ren Zhengfei, has not done a lot of media interviews in his life. In fact, when he sat down with five French media outlets last week, it was only his second official media interview. While the emphasis was on Huawei’s business and past and future investments in France, Zhengfei also told Les Echos that Huawei was exiting […]
Huawei Ascend P6 Android 4.4 KitKat upgrade coming in January
As expected, now that Android 4.4 KitKat is official, manufacturers are starting to reveal their plans to upgrade devices to this latest version of Android. For example, both HTC and Motorola have announced theirs already. The latest to do so is Huawei which this week confirmed that it will upgrade the ultra-slim Ascend P6, currently on Android 4.2.2, in January. […]
Huawei Ascend W2 headed to Europe this month
Huawei first unveiled the Windows Phone 8-powered Ascend W2 earlier this summer. Offered initially in China, it is now making its way to Europe later this month. Given the success that Windows Phone has had with the Nokia Lumia 520, this latest entry-level device could also do wonders for Microsoft’s mobile operating system. “We’re excited to build on our partnership […]
Huawei will not buy competitor to grow smartphone market share
It would appear that you can take Huawei off the list of potential BlackBerry suitors. Senior vice president and board member Chen Lifang said in an interview that the Chinese company was not looking to acquire any competitors in a bid to grow its smartphone presence. “We haven’t considered (an acquisition),” she explained. “We want to rely on ourselves.” Huawei […]
WIND Mobile launches Huawei Ascend Mate
Today must be Phablet Day in Canada. On the heels of the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Mega with several carriers comes the launch of the Huawei Ascend Mate on WIND Mobile. Much like the Samsung Galaxy Mega, it is billed as a device that combines the best of smartphones and tablets into one. With an ultra-large 6.1 inch screen, […]
Huawei Y300 smartphone lands at Bell Mobility and Virgin Mobile Canada
Huawei today announced that its Huawei Y300 smartphone is now available in Canada through Bell Mobility and Virgin Mobile Canada. This entry-level Android smartphone promises to deliver a “quality Android smartphone at an attractive price.” “Having successfully launched the Ascend Y201 with Virgin Mobile, we’re excited to bring an even faster and more powerful Huawei smartphone to the Canadian marketplace. […]