
HP launches webOS Certified Developers Program

Hewlett-Packard has launched a webOS development certification program. HP’s intention is to set a standard that companies can refer to when hiring webOS developers. HP will also provide developers with promotional and referral opportunities to grow their markets. Certified developers will be listed on the “Third Party Developers” page on the Developer Portal and receive “webOS Certified Developer” graphic assets […]

HP changes Pre 3 processor to 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon?

The HP Pre 3 could see a change to its specifications before it hits the street. When announced in February, the specifications included a 1.4GHz single-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. The HP UK specification page now lists a “Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-CPU APQ8060 1.2GHz” processor instead. There are signs though that this is nothing more than a typo (and/or shoddy proofing). First, […]