Google cheekily launched a new Android Wear ad the same day that Apple hosted its Spring Forward press event to reveal more about the Apple Watch. The short video highlighted the different Android Wear smartwatches already available and invited people to “wear what you want.” The company has now released a longer version. Round or square: wear what you want with […]
Android Wear
Android Device Manager lands on Android Wear
Google launched its Android Device Manager service back in 2013. It allows users to not only locate missing devices such as smartphones but also lock them down or even remotely wipe them. Google yesterday announced that it has added Android Device Manager support to Android Wear, its wearables platform. It will allow users to use their smartwatch to locate its […]
Baselworld 2015: Tag Heuer partners with Google and Intel on Android Wear smartwatch
Android Wear is about to jump into the luxury smartwatch market. Baselworld 2015 kicked off today with Tag Heuer announcing that it will partner with Google and Intel to develop its first ever smartwatch. In a somewhat surprising move, it will be powered by Google’s Android Wear platform, likely making it the first ever Android Wear-powered Swiss smartwatch when it launches. […]
Huawei wants “freedom to customise” Android Wear
Huawei unveiled its Android Wear-powered Huawei Watch at Mobile World Congress. While it drew positive first impressions, Huawei is calling on Google to make Android Wear more customizeable so that users can feel that “it’s their own watch, not a standard watch.” Speaking with TrustedReviews, Yang Yong, Huawei’s Vice President of Product Management, said, “We wish [we had more freedom to customise the […]
Next Android Wear version to add Wi-Fi support
A day after Apple unveiled pricing and availability details about the upcoming Apple Watch, details are emerging about the next version of Android Wear, Google’s Android extension for wearables. A source familiar with Google’s Android Wear roadmap has told The Verge that the next version will add a number of new features. With a small number of Android Wear devices already supporting […]
Google releases new Android Wear video
Apple is the focus of much of the attention today with its upcoming press event. It is widely expected to finally announce new details about the Apple Watch, including the much anticipated pricing and availability information. It appears that Google wants to keep a bit of the spotlight on its own wearables platform. it just released a new Android Wear video. […]
Fossil Group wearables coming this year
High-end watchmakers are not the only ones jumping into the wearables space. Fashion companies are also rushing in. The latest to announce plans to offer what it calls connected accessories later this year is the Fossil Group. Greg McKelvey, Fossil’s chief strategy and marketing officer, yesterday outlined the company’s plans to analysts. Fossil plans to offer ‘multiple accessories and price points” both […]
iOS compatibility coming to Android Wear?
The Apple Watch is widely expected to quickly become the most popular smartwatch on the market when it launches next month. While competitors may be putting on a brave public face, it’s quite likely that many are nervous. Google, whose Android Wear platform launched last year with disappointing sales, may have come up with a new way to take on […]