Designer Hasan Kaymak, better known for his smartphone concepts, earlier this year came up with the HTC One Watch 2015. While HTC has yet to release a smartwatch (or any other wearable for that matter), Kaymak has come up with a new smartwatch concept called the HKI Watch. Whereas the HTC One Watch strove for a classic look reminiscent of many traditional […]
Swiss watch exports experience biggest decline in years in October
2015 may well go down in history as a year to remember for the Swiss watch industry but not for reasons they will probably wish to forget. Not only was October the fourth consecutive month of declining Swiss watch exports but it was also the biggest drop in six years. In all, Swiss watch shipments have fallen by 3.2% in the first ten months […]
Huawei Watch in rose gold now available
The Huawei Watch generated a fair amount of buzz when Huawei first showed it off back in March at Mobile World Congress. It took until September for the company to bring it to market. It showed off models finished in stainless steel, black stainless steel and 22K rose gold plated stainless steel at IFA 2015. The first went on sale later in September but the black […]
LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE cancelled over “hardware issue”
LG unveiled its new LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE in early October. It was billed as the first Android Wear device to feature native cellular connectivity thanks to the latest version of Android Wear. Set to hit both AT&T and Verizon Wireless, it has now been abruptly cancelled. Without providing much in terms of specifics, LG has discovered a “hardware issue which […]
Modular Blocks smartwatch Kickstarter campaign closes with US$1.6 million raised
The Kickstarter campaign for the modular Blocks smartwatch wrapped up today. By all accounts, the campaign was a success with UK-based Blocks Wearables raising more than US$1.6 million from more than 5,000 backers. Blocks met its funding goal of US$250,000 less than an hour into its Kickstarter campaign. Two weeks later, it had raised more than US$1 million. With the campaign reaching its […]
Android Wear-powered Google Nexus Band fitness tracker coming in 2016?
Google could broaden its line of Nexus devices beyond smartphones and tablets in 2016. CCS Insight predicts that Google will launch a dedicated fitness tracker called the Google Nexus Band sometime next year. In 2016, Google develops a lightweight version of Android Wear to offer low-cost fitness bands @george_ccs #ccspredicts — CCS Insight (@CCSInsight) November 18, 2015 With fitness tracker and […]
Apple launches Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock
Apple today unveiled a new accessory for the Apple Watch. As the name implies, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock is an elegant accessory to recharge your Apple smartwatch. Needless to say, it works with both 38mm and 42mm models and uses the same inductive charging connector that comes with the Apple Watch. Unlike many other charging accessories, the Apple Watch Magnetic […]
Latest Google Fit update adds new Android Wear interactive digital watch face
It has been more than six months since Google last updated Google Fit. It rectified this situation yesterday with a new version that adds a number of new features. The biggest addition is the new Fit Challenge feature that works with your Android Wear smartwatch. It is essentially a basic personal trainer that shows you how to do some basic exercises and then […]