Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo coming to Canada

Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo

We already know that the Samsung Galaxy S5 is coming to Canada. While Samsung has not officially confirmed exactly when it is coming, carrier pre-registration pages have effectively confirmed it will be sometime in April and quite possibly April 11, the day of the global launch. Announced a few days before the Galaxy S5 were the new Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo smartwatches. Best Buy has now confirmed that these are coming to Canada as well.

The Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo, effectively identical except for the fact that the latter will not sport a camera, incorporate many of the lessons learned from the original Galaxy Gear. It is not only lighter but the camera and microphone have been moved to the watch body to make it easier to change wristbands. A heart monitor has been added. Two perhaps more significant changes are that the new Gear 2models are powered by Tizen rather than Android and battery life has been improved and is now rated for two to three days of typical use.

The specifics of the Canadian launch are not known yet but you now know of at least one place where you will be able to pick either one. With the same parent company, it’s a good bet Future Shop will also carry them. With worldwide availability expected sometime in April, it does sound like Canada could see the Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo at about the same time as the Galaxy S5 or just a bit later.

Source : Best Buy Plug-In Blog