Samsung drops plans for iris scanner in Galaxy S5?

Samsung Galaxy S5 conceptBiometric security is quickly becoming a ubiquitous feature on flagship devices. The Apple iPhone 5S and HTC One Max are but two devices currently sporting a fingerprint scanner. In a bid to distinguish its upcoming Galaxy S5 flagship from the competition, Samsung had been considering an iris scanner but now appears to have opted instead for the more traditional fingerprint scanner.

According to The Korea Herald, Samsung made the decision after realizing that many technological and usability hurdles still have to be solved. According to an unnamed source, the technology is described as unintuitive. “Who would want to put their handset up close to their eyes for authentication in places like movie theaters and bed, or even while they are driving?,” asked the source.

The iris scanner would need its own dedicated camera. Not only would Samsung have to come up with a completely new design that would incorporate two front-facing cameras but the extra camera would likely also make for a larger smartphone.

That could all change within a year or two when further innovation allows a single camera module perform both regular camera function and iris recognition. Samsung may still be looking at incorporating this technology into the Galaxy Note 4 but we may have to wait until the Galaxy S6 or S7 before it is ready for prime time.

For now, Samsung is instead falling back to fingerprint scanning. It is reportedly looking at putting fingerprint sensors under the display panel so that a separate scanning area would not be required.

Samsung is expected to unveil the Galaxy S5 at a dedicated event in mid-March.

Source : The Korea Herald