Android Verify apps malware detection enhanced with continuous monitoring

Android Verify apps

Google today announced new measures to combat malware on its Android platform. Whereas in the past, Google used its Android Verify apps service to check apps at the time of install (even those from outside of Google Play) on an Android device, the enhancement will allow the service to continually monitor devices to ensure that apps are behaving in a safe manner, even after installation.

Even though the risk is minuscule, we’re committed to making sure that the best available security protections are available to all Android users. This includes service-based protections such as Verify apps, as well as security features within the platform itself.

Google expects that very few people will ever see a warning because “potentially harmful applications are very rare.” Without disclosing what percentage of people actually saw warnings in the last year, Google found that only 0.18% moved ahead with the installation after receiving such a warning from Verify apps, a process that requires that the user click a box acknowledging that the app may be dangerous (or, in other words, it’s not so easy to miss).

The new Android Verify apps service will be available on devices running Android 2.3 and higher as well as Google Play. No information was given as to exactly when it will roll out though.

Source : Android Official Blog