Video: Interactive print ad shows Moto X customization inside magazine

Interactive printed magazine Moto X adWhile it’s easy to show just how many customization options there are for the Moto X in a TV or online ad, the same cannot be said for printed media. Sure there are ways but Motorola and interactive agency Digitas have come up with a very innovative approach: An interactive full-page ad that lets readers press buttons to change the colour of the Moto X.

The Moto X customization experience comes to WIRED magazine in the world’s first interactive print ad. Select copies of the January edition of WIRED magazine contain a special surprise – the very first interactive print experience. Yep, you read that right. You can start designing your Moto X right in the magazine. It’s an ad that’s as unique as you are, for a phone that’s truly yours.

I’ll let the video do the talking:

Unfortunately, not everyone picking up the January edition of WIRED will get to play with the ad. It will only be available in about a quarter of the print run and will only be distributed in New York and Chicago where Motorola is running extensive ad campaigns.

The ad was made possible with paper-thin components including a set of buttons, a battery and LEDs.

How cool is that!

Source : Mashable