Beautiful Design app summer collection

Beautiful Design


The Android Developers Blog today talked about the importance of a well-designed app, and decided to share with us the ones that new developers should strive to achieve. This is what they have to say about what makes an app special:

Attention to detail makes an app truly beautiful: transitions are fast and clear, layout and typography are crisp and meaningful, and design touches that delight you in surprising ways are sprinkled throughout. Today, we’re publishing a new Beautiful Design collection on Google Play, which highlights 11 beautiful apps with these kinds of masterfully crafted design details.”

The current selection, which are updated periodically:

  • Pattrn (by Lucas Rocha), a beautifully focused app for discovering and sharing unique wallpapers on any size screen device.
  • Pocket (by Read It Later), an article keeper and reader app with a beautiful queue browsing interface and a remarkably comfortable and pleasing reading experience on phones and tablets.
  • Timer (by Opoloo), a timer app with an elegant and deeply satisfying timer-creation interface and simple, beautiful theme choices.
  • Eye in Sky Weather, NY Times, Grand St., Pinterest, Press, Expedia, Flipboard and TED… each with delightful design details.

Screenshot Beautiful App

Look for the Beautiful Design, App Focus section in the Play Store and check them out, you may find a few new apps. Let us know in the comments if you use any of these well-designed apps.

Source : Android Developers