ASUS to build new Google Nexus 10?


Having built the last two generations of Google Nexus 7 tablets, it now appears that ASUS is also in line to manufacture the second generation Google Nexus 10. Rumours that Google would switch from Samsung to ASUS are not new but they gained further credibility today. First there was an inventory screenshot back in August that listed a Google Nexus 10 with ASUS as the manufacturer. Now @evleaks has given his seal of approval to a second inventory screen image that identifies the device as the “Google ASUS Nexus 10 ASUS Nexus 10.”

The original image poster, Twitter user @Rage06, claims it comes from UK retailer PCWorld’s inventory system. The screenshot also lists the price as £349.99.

There is no word on any specifications at this point.

The second generation Google Nexus 10 could be unveiled alongside the Google Nexus 5 at an event expected in October. @Rage06 expects an October or November launch in the UK.

Sources : @evleaks // @Rage06