LG puts tablets ‘on the back burner’ to focus on smartphones

LG ElectronicsLike many other Android tablet manufacturers, LG has had little success with its Optimus Pad Android tablets. As a result, the company has now decided to focus more on smaller devices. According to LG spokesman Ken Hong: “We’ve decided to put all new tablet development on the back burner for the time being in order to focus on smartphones.”

The announcement comes just as Microsoft unveiled its Surface tablet yesterday. LG’s spokesman added that “LG doesn’t see Surface competing with anything we’re focusing on at the moment.”

LG also indicated that it was still open to making phones powered by Microsoft’s Windows Phone.

According to IDC, LG was the world’s fifth largest mobile phone manufacturer in Q1 2012 (fourth according to Bloomberg). It was passed by Apple last year despite the fact that Apple only makes smartphones.

LG introduced its latest tablet, the Optimus Pad LTE, back in January.

Read more: Bloomberg (Source: The Verge)