Android and iOS account for over 80% of U.S. smartphone market

The latest comScore numbers show that Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems continued to dominate the U.S. smartphone market. Together they now account for over 80% of the market with Android owning over half the market by itself for the time in its history (a 17% increase in the past year). More than 104 million people owned smartphones at the end of February 2012, up 14 percent from November 2011.

comScore mobile OS market share - February 2012

Both Microsoft and RIM continued to slide but Microsoft’s market share will hopefully reverse course as more Windows Phone devices (including the Nokia Lumia 900 and HTC Titan II) hit the market.

Samsung remained the largest mobile device (smartphones and non-smartphones) manufacturer in the U.S. with its market share holding steady at 25.6%. It was followed by LG (19.4%), Apple (13.5%), Motorola (12.8%) and HTC (6.3%).

Read more: comScore