WIND Mobile CEO Ken Campbell steps down

WIND Mobile

WIND Mobile CEO Ken Campbell today announced he was stepping down. Tony Lacavera will take on the mantle of CEO role in addition his role as Chairman.

And with progress comes change. Our ability to manage change has defined us. Indeed, how we react to change tells a lot about us. And so for me, it is time for a change and to hand the baton to Tony, who started this business and will now fill the CEO position in addition to his Chairman role. I leave WIND confident that the business has a strong foundation and that we are on a strong growth trajectory to deliver even more great service to Canadians.

Campbell had been with WIND Mobile since its launch (and even before its official launch) and helped grow the company to one that now has over 300,000 subscribers.

Update: WIND Mobile also announced that Gianluca Corti will join the company as Chief Operating Officer from Wind Telecomunicazioni in Italy.

Read more: Announcement from Ken Campbell and announcement from Tony Lacavera