Spun-off HP PC division could offer Android and Windows tablets

Hewlett-PackardWhile Hewlett-Packard is still considering what to do with its PC division, the Personal Systems Group, Todd Bradley, the division’s EVP, is dropping some hints as to what he would do if he were to lead the newly spun-off company. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bradley suggested that the new company would not limit itself to webOS for future tablets. It could also offer tablets powered by operating systems from Microsoft or Google, likely Windows and Android respectively.

Bradley also recognized that the lack of a final decision was causing “some uncertainty” among customers and that HP was “not being as clear with our own messaging to you as we should be.” A final decision is expected by the end of the year.

Asked if he would like to run the new company, Bradley said,”That’s what I’d like to do.” It sounds like he’s already planning his first moves.

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