Sony Ericsson remains focused on Android

Sony Ericsson

If you are hoping to see a Windows Phone 7 device from Sony Ericsson, you will need to be patient. In an interview with, the company has reconfirmed plans to remain focused on Google Android at the present. At the same time, they are keeping their Windows Phone 7 options open. According to Steven Walker, acting head of global marketing at Sony Ericsson:

“We shouldn’t limit ourselves to one opportunity, but we aren’t yet ready to make any specific announcement about products. At this moment in time, there is clearly a galvanising within the industry around Android as a creditable alternative to what’s out there, and we think that’s a good thing.”

Past rumours suggested that Sony Ericsson was working on some Windows Phone 7 devices (like the Xperia X7 and X7 Mini). And CEO Bert Nordberg even confirmed that his company would release such devices.

It would appear that it’s only a matter of time…

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