Pre-orders begin for HP Pre 2 on Verizon Wireless

HP Pre 2

While all the attention this week may have been on the upcoming HP Pre 3 and Veer smartphones (as well as the HP TouchPad tablet), HP has finally begun to take pre-orders for the HP Pre 2 for Verizon Wireless. While the Pre 2 was announced back in October 2010, Verizon is only the second North American carrier (Rogers Wireless was the first) to offer a carrier subsidized version.

The HP Pre 2 for Verizon Wireless will begin to ship on February 17th. It is available for US$99.99 with a two-year contract or US$439.99 with no contract.

Oddly enough, the Palm Pre 2 is not available yet on the Verizon website. Perhaps Verizon is a bit distracted with the launch of the Apple iPhone 4?

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