Google Nexus S pricing now available from Mobilicity, TELUS and Videotron

Google Nexus S

Pricing for the upcoming Canadian Google Nexus S release has begun to trickle in. Mobilicity, TELUS Mobility and Videotron have all published pricing details:

  • Mobilicity: CA$525 with no contract
  • TELUS Mobility: CA$179.99 with a three-year contract, CA$449.99 with a two-year contract, CA$499.99 with a one-year contract, and CA$549.99 with no contract
  • Videotron: CA$149.95 on their reduced price plan offered to residential customers and CA$529.95 with no contract.

There have also been some reports of customers being able to buy the Google Nexus S from WIND Mobile stores for CA$525. It is not yet available on their website where it still shows with no pricing details.