Globalive appeals foreign ownership court ruling

WIND Mobile

Globalive today announced that it will appeal the recent court decision to reverse the Canadian government’s decision that allowed WIND Mobile to launch in late 2009. The announcement follows a similar one by the government earlier this week.

“Like the Government, we disagree with several aspects of the Federal Court decision, and we are confident that the Federal Court of Appeal will overturn it,” said Anthony Lacavera, Chairman of Globalive. “Our biggest priority is to put this regulatory gaming by our competitors behind us, so that we can continue to focus on bringing wireless innovation and competition to the marketplace.”

Lacavera reiterated comments made this week by Minister Clement: “The Federal Court decision is not about Globalive being ‘Canadian enough’. The Government and Globalive have always agreed that we are fully compliant with the existing rules, and the Federal Court did not suggest otherwise. The decision was about two ‘legal errors’ in the Cabinet ruling, according to the judge. We disagree and we fully expect to prevail at the Court of Appeal.”

Globalive also submitted an application for an extension of the 45 day stay issued by the Federal Court.

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