ASUS increasing Eee Pad Transformer production

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer

Have you tried to get your hands on an Eee Pad Transformer tablet recently? More than likely, you have found it to be sold out everywhere. ASUS, responding to “excessive demands worldwide,” has indicated that it is ramping up production from the current 7 to 8,000 systems a day (below previous estimates) to about 10,000 per day.

ASUS confirmed plans to ship some 300,000 Transformers in the second quarter (and up to 2 million tablets in 2011) as component shortages ease (supplies of touchscreens and some mechanical parts remaining tight). Even CEO Jerry Shen has apparently visited component manufacturers to ensure steady supply going forward.

The report also confirms that ASUS is already planning a next-generation tablet although it gives no details.

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