Apple and Android continue to gain U.S. smartphone market share

The latest comScore report shows that Apple’s iOS and Android continued to gain smartphone market share in the United States between August and November 2011. Between the two of them, they owned over 71% of the overall marketshare in November 2011.

comScore found that 91.4 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones in this three month period (an 8% increase over the previous three month period). Google’s Android operating system was the top smartphone platform with a 46.9% market share (up 3.1% over the previous period). Apple followed with a 28.7% market share (growing 1.4%). RIM was in third with a 16.6% share (down 3.1%) with Microsoft (5.2% and down 0.5%) and Symbian (1.5% and down 0.3%) closing out the top five.

In terms of mobile device manufacturers, Samsung led the pack with a 25.6% market share (up 0.3%). It was followed by LG (20.5%), Motorola (13.7%), Apple (11.2%) and RIM (6.5%). Apple was the biggest gainer, seeing its market share grow 1.4%.

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