Android and Windows Phone top mobile operating systems in 2015?

A new IDC report predicts that Google Android and Microsoft Windows Mobile will be the dominant mobile operating systems by 2015. Android is expected to take the top spot this year while Nokia’s partnership with Microsoft is expected to have “significant implications for the smartphone market going forward.” RIM and Apple are expected to continue to battle it out for third (with Apple coming out on top according to IDC).

Operating System 2011 Market Share 2015 Market Share
Android 39.5% 45.4%
BlackBerry 14.9% 13.7%
iOS 15.7% 15.3%
Symbian 20.9% 0.2%
Windows Phone / Windows Mobile 5.5% 20.9%
Others 3.5% 4.6%
Total 100.0% 100.0%

IDC also predicts that the worldwide smartphone market will grow 49.2 percent in 2011 with smartphone vendors shipping more than 450 million smartphones in 2011, up from 303.4 million in 2010.

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