Windows Phone 7 devices top 1.5 million sales

Microsoft Windows Phone

Microsoft revealed today that it has now sold over 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 devices. It reached this milestone in the first six weeks of sales. It’s not clear though how many have made their way into the hands of customers but it is a solid start.

Microsoft appears pleased with the initial results. According to Achim Berg, Microsoft’s vice president of business and marketing for Windows Phones:

“Our numbers are similar to the performance of other first generation mobile platforms. We introduced a new platform with Windows Phone 7, and when you do that it takes time to educate partners and consumers on what you’re delivering, and drive awareness and interest in your new offering. We’re comfortable with where we are, and we are here for the long run; Windows Phone 7 is just the beginning.

Berg also revealed that “several updates” are in the works with the first to be released “in the next couple of months.” 2011 will also see new Windows Phone 7 devices released at different price points and with an increasing number of carriers.

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