Windows Phone 7 devices to be available in Canada and US on November 8th?

Microsoft Windows Phone

If the latest rumours are to be believed, Microsoft will not launch Windows Phone 7 on October 11th. According to Paul Thurrott, the annual event on that date will have nothing to do with Windows Phone. Instead, a reliable source has told Paul that the US launch date for Windows Phone 7 is November 8th.

Earlier today, reported that Windows Phone 7 devices will be available in both Spain and the UK as of October 21st, 10 days after the global launch.

Here is my take: On October 11th, Microsoft will formally announce Windows Phone 7 and a number of devices. But no devices will be available immediately. Instead, they will follow in Europe on October 21st and then on November 8th in North America (we already know that the Canadian launch timetable follows that of the US). It’s not the first time that such a two-step launch has been proposed.

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