WIND Mobile today added its first Google Android handset to its device lineup. The Huawei 8100 is an entry-level Android device that promises to bring “the power and convenience of the Android platform in a compact and affordable package.”
Huawei 8100 specifications:
- Operating system: Google Android 2.1
- Connectivity: Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE and dual-band (AWS/2100MHz) HSDPA
- Other connectivity: GPS/A-GPS, 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.0 with A2DP
- Input: Virtual QWERTY keyboard
- Display: 2.8-inch QVGA touchscreen
- Memory: 180MB usable
- Storage: microSD cards up to 16GB
- Camera: 3.2MP
- Battery: 1150mAh
- Dimensions / Weight: 106 by 57 by 14mm / 110g with battery
WIND Mobile is offering the Huawei 8100 for CA$160.