Upcoming Windows Phone 7 update not to include multitasking?

Microsoft Windows Phone

According to a report by All Things Digital, the upcoming Windows Phone 7 update may not be as “massive” as reported by earlier rumours. Instead, two key features included will be CDMA support and cut-and-paste functionality.

Adding CDMA support is a key priority for Microsoft as it will allow Sprint and Verizon (and other carriers in the world) to finally offer Windows Phone 7 devices. The second should quieten the complaints its omission has generated since Microsoft first admitted it would not be included in the first release.

According to the same report, among the features that do not appear to be in scope for this first update are multitasking and visual voicemail.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has shed little light on what the update will contain and has only promised that it will be available in early 2011.

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