Research In Motion acquires DataViz

Research In Motion

Rumours began to emerge over the weekend that Research In Motion had bought out DataViz, the company behind Documents To Go. RIM today confirmed the acquisition in a statement to CNET:

RIM has acquired some of the assets of DataViz and hired the majority of its employees to focus on supporting the BlackBerry platform. Terms of the deal were not disclosed but the transaction was not material to RIM in the context of RIM’s financial results.

RIM did not confirm or deny rumours that it bought DataViz for US$50 million in cash.

DataViz confirmed that it would not support webOS but it remains to be seen whether it will continue to support Documents To Go on existing mobile platforms such as Apple iOS, Google Android, and Maemo. With the majority of employees focusing on the BlackBerry platform, the answer seems pretty clear.

RIM began to bundle the free version of Documents To Go with the BlackBerry Bold in November 2008.

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