Motorola considering its own tablet?


Motorola announced its latest financial results (8.5 million handsets including 2.3 million smartphones shipped) earlier today. During the post-earnings conference call that followed, co-CEO Sanjay Jha revealed that Motorola is at least considering developing its own tablet device:

You are seeing a convergence with PC and mobility. I actually see this convergence as being very very important. Very, very important. We are very engaged with this marketplace. We think that tablet is one form factor, there are other form factors and other solutions that people are engaged in. We are engaged with the development very intimately, and we will announce whatever we need to announce at the appropriate time.

Jha provided very few details but its current emphasis on Google Android and its MOTOBLUR user interface for its smartphones suggests a similar approach is being considered to power such devices.

Hopefully Motorola will soon reveal more…

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