More details revealed about upcoming Apple iPad 2?


New rumours have emerged about the upcoming Apple iPad 2. The unconfirmed details come from Japanese Mac blog MacOtakara which cites an “anonymous Chinese source.”

According to the site, the Apple iPad 2 will feature a redesigned case. While the display will remain the same size, smaller bezels will mean that it will be slightly smaller than the current model at 239 by 186 millimeters. The back will also be flat instead of convex. The ambient light sensor will be moved to “the upper center of the rear panel.” It will also feature improved audio through metal mesh-covered wide-ranged speakers.

The iPad 2 may have two cameras (front-facing and rear-facing) but the information is described as “unreliable,” suggesting that the final product may have only one or none.

Earlier rumours have suggested that the Apple iPad 2 could begin to ship from manufacturers as early as February for a release sometime in Q1 2011.

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