Windows Marketplace for Mobile site goes online

Windows Marketplace for Mobile

When Microsoft announced the Windows Marketplace for Mobile at MWC in February, it gave little information beyond the fact that it would offer software for Windows Mobile 6.5 devices (and possibly for 6.1 as well). But it looks like the store opening day is getting closer with Microsoft launching the site with a Coming Soon message. It promises to make life more fun by allowing you to:

  • Discover free and premium apps
  • Download instantly to your phone
  • Shop securely from anywhere

It’s not clear at this point whether Microsoft will launch the store as a portal (ie, a web-driven store) or a dedicated application. Early signs suggest a dedicated application but only Microsoft knows for sure. A portal could open up the store to more than just Windows Mobile 6.5 devices but would also mean that it would fall short of the functionality that could be offered with a dedicated application (such as simultaneous downloads, offline browsing and more). Could Microsoft be thinking of offering both?

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