When $10 loses you a $1600 order

I don’t want Gadgetorama to be my personal soap box but I need to vent tonight. Bad customer service really gets to me.

It’s time to upgrade the main PC and I decided to go for a new Intel i7 Core system. I priced my specifications and headed to Premier Computer Canada (I won’t even link to them at this point) earlier today. A few answers later and I was ready to order a new PC worth more than CA$1600.

All went well until I was told that I needed to buy a removable media device (a floppy drive, a USB key or a media reader). I don’t use floppies anymore (does anyone?), I have a plethora of USB keys and did not want a media reader. It turns out that they could not order a PC for me without it (or without charging me way more).

I could have simply thrown in a USB key for next to nothing but I have an issue with being told to buy something that I don’t want. I found their explanations that this was needed to ‘complete the system order’ and for recording the diagnostic results were weak (I’m being very polite). I offered to bring in my own USB key (I even had one in my pocket), asked them to use one of their own, suggested that I did not need a copy of the logs but it was to no avail.

With all the doom and gloom about our economy, I hope that they can continue to so easily turn away customers over $10.

As for me, another store will get my order.