Apple may be moving to steal Palm’s Pre Thunder as early as Monday. It is widely expected that Apple will unveil the third generation iPhone on Monday as WWDC 2009 kicks off. But predicts that the new phones could be available the very same day. Supply is expected to be limited as the original plan was a July launch. Regular replenishments are expected though. also reports that the new iPhone will be called the iPhone Video and that it will come in three variants: 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB. It should sport a faster processor, a camera with auto-focus and capable of video capture, a front-facing camera, and a compass.
A second model with a 4GB capacity will also be announced but will only be available later. Interestingly, it may not be carried by Apple Stores. This 4GB model also appeared on a leaked Fido roadmap only days ago. Apple could also announce a third model intended strictly for China.
You may want to catch the WWDC keynote from your local Apple Store as GearLive suggests…