Palm unveils new webOS details: Palm Media Sync, Twitter Integration, App Catalog

Palm Pre

With just over a week to go before the release of the Palm Pre, Palm has revealed a few new details about its new webOS operating system. At an event during The Wall Street Journal’s D: All Things Digital conference, Palm showed off the Pre’s media sync feature, the integration of Twitter in universal search, and a beta version of its App Catalog.

Media Sync allows, as the name implies, the transfer of media content to and from the Pre. Most incredible about this is that it synchronizes with iTunes, transfering all DRM-free content (Does Apple know about this?). The Pre can also be set up as a mass storage drive.

The Pre also comes with an Amazon MP3 store application that lets you purchase music over-the-air. The only downside is that purchased tracks must be downloaded via Wi-Fi.

Palm also integrated Twitter search into the webOS universal search. Universal search uses Twitter’s search service to sort through real-time current events and news, so universal search now covers every aspect of search on the web: general info, location, encyclopedia, and news.

Lastly, Palm showed off a beta version of its App Catalog. Applications from developers such as AP News, Citysearch, Fandango, Pandora, uLocate and others will be available by the time the Pre launches.

The Palm Pre goes on sale on June 6th for US$199.99 with a two-year Sprint service agreement and $100 mail-in rebate.

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