Palm Pre to sell for US$549.99 without a contract?

Palm Pre

It looks like has done a bit of math to come up with what the Palm Pre will cost you if you opt out of a contract. Yesterday, Sprint announced that the Pre would sell for US$199.99 with a two-year contract, starting on June 6th. has found out that, without a contract, the Pre will sell for US$549.99. Here is the full breakdown:

  • Retail Price: US$549.99
  • 2-year service agreement: Subtract US$150.00
  • Instant rebate: Subtract US$100.00
  • Mail-in rebate (MIR): Subtract US$100.00
  • Net price: US$199.99 (after full upgrade rebate)

Current Sprint customers can get a new equipment upgrade discount (in place of the service agreement discount) of US$75 for 12 months and US$150 for 22 months (12 months for Sprint Premiere customers).

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