Palm Pre to sell for less than iPhone?

Palm Pre

According Credit Suisse analysts, the Palm Pre could sell for as low as US$150 when it goes on sale at Sprint a bit later this year. This would be the subsidized price for customers signing up for a two-year contract. Previous rumours have suggested a price range between US$1500 and US$200.

Sprint is said to be looking to mimic the tactics used by AT&T with the iPhone to turn the Palm Pre into a blockbuster device that would attract new subscribers. Pricing the Palm Pre below the iPhone (offered by AT&T for US$199) would certainly not work against it.

To date, Palm and Sprint have not provided any information about pricing beyond indicating that it would be “competitively” priced.

Credit Suisse also predicts that Palm will sell 1.3 million Pre phones this year. An additional 3 million could be sold next year.

Source: Brighthand

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