More Windows Mobile 6.x releases after 6.5?

Microsoft Windows Mobile

According to, successful testing of the FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) functionality bundled with Windows Mobile 6.5 may finally allow Microsoft to do something it has not done much in the past: Provide Windows Mobile updates after the release of the latest version of Windows Mobile.

It’s not clear at this point if Microsoft would push such updates as dot releases (like Windows Mobile 6.6 or 6.5.1) or as Adaptation Kits (think service pack) but the end result would be the same. Microsoft would be able to deliver fixes and new functionality on a regular basis (unless it decides to leave this to the device manufacturers and carriers). Combine that with the fact that the new firmware update process will also maintain device settings and applications and you finally have a decent upgrade mechanism. Is Microsoft finally catching up to its competitors on this front? also drops a hint that Windows Mobile 7 will come with multi-touch support and capacitive screens support. Sweet!

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