Microsoft not to charge for software updates on Windows Marketplace

Windows Marketplace for Mobile

Shortly after announcing their plans for the Windows Marketplace for Mobile, it came to light that Microsoft would charge developers for any updates to their programs 7 days after the initial release. The move was not well received by the developer community. Even upgrades consisting of bug fixes would count as an update.

Fortunately, Microsoft has decided not to charge for version upgrades for applications already on the Windows Marketplace for Mobile. A Microsoft representative confirmed the decision and indicated that it would apply to any upgrades. Everything from minor updates to fix bugs to full version upgrades that add new features will be covered.

Developers will still need to pay an annual fee of US$99 which includes five application submissions. Additional submissions within the annual period will each cost an additional US$99.

Windows Marketplace for Mobile is expected to launch later this year with Windows Mobile 6.5.

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