Marvell unveils plug-sized computer

Marvell Plug computer

Marvell announced today its Plug Computing initiative. The Plug computer, not much larger than many power adapters, is designed to run all the time and power network-based
services that normally require a dedicated personal computer. It consumes less than 5 watts, making it a power efficient alternative to typical PCs for any number of applications.

Unlike other embedded networking products, a plug computer is designed to offer PC-like performance. The plug computer simplifies the porting of existing applications and the development of new ones.

The SheevaPlug uses a 1.2GHz Marvell Kirkwood processor and comes with 512MB RAM and 512MB of flash memory. It runs on Linux and can potentially run any service required of it. It connects to a network using a Gigabit Ethernet and comes with a USB port, the latter allowing developers to do some simple debugging and reprogramming. The whole thing comes in a plastic case that also contains a universal power supply.

Marvell hopes that its Plug computer will be used by other device manufacturers to offer a host of applications and services, including digital content sharing and management. For example, you could easily plug an external hard drive to it. You could just as easily plug a webcam into it.

If you want to experiment for yourself, the SheevaPlug development kit (with included plug computer) is available for US$99 through

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