Globalive granted Canadian spectrum license


Globalive Wireless announced today that it has been officially granted wireless spectrum licenses from Industry Canada. Like all the winners of the last Canadian wireless spectrum auction, Globalive had to undergo a review process to ensure compliance with the requirements. According to Anthony Lacavera, the company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer:

“Having been issued our licenses, we are one huge step closer to improving the wireless experience for Canadians by giving them a wireless company that listens, responds and collaborates with its customers. Today we are thrilled to welcome Canadians to a long-awaited brand new day in the Canadian wireless market.”

Globalive also announced that it will hire up to 1,000 employees across Canada in the next 12 months with the expectation that it will launch its wireless network in late 2009. Coverage will initially be offered in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Ottawa with plans to expand further in 2010.

Canadian customers could see some very interesting wireless pricing by the end of the year if Globalive launches on schedule.

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