Acer Tempo smartphone line pricing revealed?

Acer M900

Expansys appears to have once again leaked some device pricing before the manufacturer could make an official announcement. This time, it is Acer’s Tempo line of smartphones that is outed.

First up for release should be the Acer Tempo X960. Expansys offers it for £354.99. Given that the expected release date shows March 30th, it might be shipping any day now (if it has not done so already). The Acer Tempo DX960 will be available for £454.99 and is expected to start shipping on April 14th. It will be followed by the Acer Tempo F900 on May 6th. The F900 will sell for £439.99. Lastly, the Acer Tempo M900 is expected on May 25th but is available for pre-order for £479.99.

Both Expansys Canada and Expansys USA show three of the four new Tempo smartphones (the DX960 is missing) but do not provide pricing or expected release dates. A sign of later release dates in North America?