Spb Software House has announced the latest version of Spb Wallet, an application to securely store your sensitive information. Pocket PC and Smartphone users can safely keep passport and account numbers, access and PIN codes, logins and passwords in Spb Wallet, access the data from desktop PCs, and have it synchronized among multiple mobile devices. Spb Wallet puts an end to keeping the most sensitive information exposed on SIM-cards, in address books, and in text files.
There are a number of new features in Spb Wallet 1.5. First up is a new version for Smartphone (Windows Mobile Standard) devices. Both this new version and the Pocket PC version also feature enhancements like an improved automatic password generator, a browser toolbar that now works in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, the ability to automatically populate user name and password for sites viewed in Internet Explorer and Firefox, an improved import functionality, skinned customizable buttons and more.
Spb Wallet is available in two versions. Spb Wallet for Pocket PC devices is available for USD$29.95 from our affiliate Clickapps. Spb Wallet for Smartphone devices is available for USD$29.95 from our affiliate Clickapps. Trial versions are also available.