Orange UK to carry 16-key HTC Touch Dual

HTC Touch Dual

When the HTC Touch Dual was unveiled, HTC announced both a 16-key keypad for single-handed typing and a 20-key keyboard option. Mobile operators would have the choice as to which they would prefer to carry. Think of the 16-key variant as working like a T9 keypad and the 20-key one as closer to SureType predictive input.

MoDaCo is reporting that the Orange UK will offer the 16-key version. This raises some interesting thoughts as to which devices are viewed as competition to the Dual. Its clear that there is no love lost between Microsoft and RIM, however by choosing to avoid a qwerty layout it seems that between Orange and HTC a decision has been made to target other manufacturers.

According to, HTC will include software versions both key layouts in the Touch Dual. If you were looking for the 16-key option, would the software version of the 20-key keyboard be enough for you?

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