The mystery swirling around upcoming Palm Treos is starting to clear up. The latest details ruggest that the Gandolf will be known as the Treo 5xx when it is officially unveiled. Two versions will be available, one running Windows Mobile 6 (Standard if earlier rumours that Palm was working on a Treo without a touchscreen are true) and the other a PalmOS variant for displays that do not support touchscreen functionality (score another point for that WM6 Standard rumour). It will also feature 3G, including HSDPA, support, a 2.4-inch QVGA screen, 64MB RAM and 256MB ROM, a 2MP camera and Bluetooth 2.0 wiwth A2DP. It will measure 117 x 65 x 13.8mm and weigh 135 grams.
Pricing and street dates are still not available.
And what about that rumoured Treo 800w?