Google Gphone rumours continue

According to DigiTimes, Google is still hard at work on its mobile phone (the first rumours date almost a year back). It sounds like the project is still in an early stage as Google still has not finalized specifications, the operating system (Google could even use its own OS apparently) that it will use, who will manufacture it and which carriers will offer it. And it also appears that Google is seriously reconsidering its decision to make it an EDGE device. Perhaps because of some of the criticisms aimed at the iPhone’s lack of 3G, Google is now considering making their Gphone a 3G device. Sources suggest that such a move would push out the release to early 2008.

Meanwhile, the earlier rumours that HTC could end up manufacturing the device continue to be strong.

I just hope that when it does come out, it is not another one of Google’s open-ended betas…

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