More updates for Edge Mobile Game Engine

If you want to write your own games for mobile devices (including Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Windows Mobile Smartphone, Symbian Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, Symbian UIQ and others), one tool that will make it easier is the multi-platform mobile game engine Edge. Version 2.95 has just been released and it adds a sound class to play both sound effects and MOD music files and word wrapping support.

The new sound class will let developers manage volume settings, cross-fading and improves the loading and unloading of audio files. The word wrap feature breaks up long lines of text into multiple lines when using the new DrawFontWrap function. The new version features other enhancements and bug fixes as well.

Games written with the EDGE SDK include Snowed In 5 – Flaked Out, Syberia and Quartz 2.

The Edge Mobile Game Engine is available for $950 USD from our affiliate Clickgamer. A trial version is also available. This is a free upgrade to current Edge licensees.

Source: PocketGamer

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